Thursday, November 8, 2007

Head's Engaged!

John and I went to our Doctor's appointment with the OB today. We were really excited to find out that Alexander's head is engaged. Yeah! Now we just hope he comes soon! We are both ready and nervous all in one. I think we are all prepared for him though or as prepared that we can be.

On the way back from the hospital John and I agreed that I am getting well looked after over here. Not sure if it is normal considering Alexander's conditions but he is getting well taken care of. :)

Tomorrow is another appointment with the Down Syndrome health visitor.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 37

Well I am finally finished with work! YEAH! I just wanted to get out of there really. Most everything is prepared for Alexander John (AJ) and now we are just waiting for him to come. We have all kinds of appointments this week. Yesterday the midwife came to the house and we set up our birth plans. These are things that we would like to happen during delivery, which meds I want to take, if John wants to cut the cord, if I want the baby handed to me immediately or not, and so on. Today we have to go see the anethesist. This is basically to see if I can have the epidural. Since I already have back problems they are going to evaluate my back and see if this is too risky or not. Then on Thursday we are back at the OB and Friday the Downs Health Visitor is coming to the house. She is going to talk about what to expect when Alexander is here. So this week we have a busy week ahead of us.

I am feeling pretty good for the most part. Just some pelvic pain and some swollen ankles. That is common at the end of pregnancy though. We are just ready to be finished now!