Thursday, February 25, 2010

Doctor Appointments

Well I took tuesday off of work to take Alexander to a couple of his regular yearly check-ups. We first had to go to the genetics doctor - Dr. Grange. She had us get some blood drawn and we will know those results in a few weeks. I am anxious because I have never know what kind of Down Syndrome my little guy has.

We then went to the eye doctor - Dr. Rallo and Alexander got his eyes dialated. He still has a stigmatism (same as last year) but he also has watery tear ducts. They are only partially obstructed so no surgery at this time. But if he went in for another small surgery we would get that fixed too. Also his stigmatism isn't bad enough for glasses which is a plus. He wouldn't keep them on anyway.

We also took Emma to the doctor for her follow from her ear infection and it has gone away. She is cutting a tooth though. My baby is only 3 months and already getting her first tooth.

Today we all woke up with a cold though. Thanks to Alexander, but i think he got it worse. His eyes were matted shut today! This is part of the his eyes watering. It is only bad when he is sick or from the cold weather. Fingers crossed this cold doesn't last forever and that baby Emma doesn't get it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

On Saturday night we decided to celebrate Valentine's and go to a nice restarant. We went to a restaurant called Vin De Set in the St. Louis. We both liked the atmosphere but decided we could of eaten somewhere else for alot cheaper. It was nice to get out just the two of us though.

One of our friends that has 2 little ones also watched AJ and Emma. They seemed to of had a blast and the boys enjoyed playing together.
We gave daddy the photo's that we got taken of the kids together and he really liked them. I suprised him and got the kids photos taken together. They are so adorable!

Friday, February 12, 2010

1st ear infection

My poor baby has her first ear infection in her left ear. She is 12 weeks old and already on a antibiotic. This kind of freaks me out about giving them medicine so young. We never gave Alexander any medicine for at least his first year.

I really didn't think anything was wrong with her when the sitter called to say she had a low grade temp 99.1. So I called the doctor and first the nurse said they don't consider it low grade unless it is 99.5 but she did say go ahead and bring her in since it is elevated and she is so young. I really thought it was going to a waste of time. So my sister called to tell me she had a ear infection. I was really shocked and actually so was the sitter. So I really think we caught it early. :)

Also, Emma is in the 95% for her weight! She is 15lbs 8ounces. Alexander was only 11lbs 2ounces at 12 weeks. I guess we have a healthy little girl that isn't missing any meals! :)