Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post Op Appointment!

Alexander had his post operation appointment on Tuesday morning. He had great reviews. Also, as of right now it looks like he won't have to have anymore surgeries either. :) She said we will for sure know at the next appointment. That appointment will be at the end of October.

Alexander can now be around other people and we can go out and about. He loves going places.

Well I had a dentist appointment yesterday morning so my dad watched Alexander. When I got back my dad had cut his hair. It looks so cute and he looks like a little boy!

Also our carpet is dry again but we have to get new carpet now! It stinks real bad in our basement. John and I wanted new carpet anyway but we didn't want this to happen.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike

The living room / bar area!!!

Behind the look at those puddles!
Going from the unfinished part to the finshed part!

Yes I know we are not in the Hurricane path but we sure got the weather to go along with it! Well this morning John and I were having a nice morning watching this crazy storm outside our bedroom window. Well I decided to go down stairs to see if any water was coming down our walls. Well next thing I know our drains were back up and our basement was flooding. The city sewers were backing up. So needless to say we having been having all kinds of fun cleaning up the basement today! Here is our lovely puddles of water! :(

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Making Progress!!!

Alexander is doing great! His incision is almost completely healed as well. It is amazing how fast the little ones recover. You almost think "wow that baby just went through heart surgery". He is rolling over again and laughing away. We go back to the doctor on Tuesday to get his post-op check up. Hopefully everything will go okay. We will get x-rays, echo and ekg of his heart. Hopefully this well mean that we can be around germs again. I will probably go back to work too! That's if we find a sitter. :( John works for himself so we need health insurance.

Also, with in the past couple days Alexander's first tooth is starting to pop through his gum. You definitley can tell too! He has been getting very fussy, oragel and tylenol have been a blessing though. I am so glad he is finally getting a tooth, he is almost 10 months!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Home from the Hospital!

Today we got to come home from the hospital. Alexander is doing so well too! He stayed up most of the day and then we gave him a bath at about 6:30. He loved it! We only could sponge bath him so my mom helped me. :)

I really think he knows he is back home now too! As the day went home he was more and more himself!

Going Home - We think!

So when the surgeon came in today for his routine check, he said he thought Alexander would go home today. The cardiologist came in later and said the same thing. YEAH! So when the nurses came in they said well we heard Alexander might go home today or tomorrow. I was irritated but didn't say anything. I think they say that to have there but.

The cardiologist actually said it would be about noon time and asked if we had any question for when we get home.

He is doing good again today. Except the baby next to him did wake him up everytime he was hungry or needed a diaper changed. I stayed last night and I woke up everytime too! He is loud compared to our baby! :)

So check back soon so I can up date everyone that we are home! :)