Saturday, March 22, 2008

Rolling Over!

So our big boy is starting to roll over and its just not a fluke. This morning he rolled again 5 times from his stomach to his back. He is trying to go from his back to his stomach but he just gets stuck in a pretzel. His head is as far back as possible but he hasn't mastered the technique yet. He doesn't realize that you have to put one let over the other. It won't be long now though. He is doing so good and we are thoroughly impressed with him everyday. His muscles are so strong. :)

Oh and sorry but I can't get a good picture now either. He sees the flash on the camera and stops laughing and just stares at me. He doesn't like the light in his face.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Growing Little Boy!

Alexander is now 16 weeks old and thriving, how time has slipped away. He is 13 pounds already too. This coming Wednesday we go for his last shot until he is a year old. I feel so sorry for him because this time he gets one in each leg and one his arm. Poor little guy. You would think he would be use to getted pricked and battered but he sure isn't. He is starting to get a little more vocal as well. As I have told most of you, his voice is so soft. You can't hear him crying if we are in the next room. When I go to the Baby Groups I am like "Alexander don't learn how to scream like that okay little buddy." I guess he has been listening because he still has a pretty soft voice.

His physical therapist, along with his early intervention teacher were at the house yesterday. They are so thrilled at how Alexander is coming along. They think he is progressing just like any other 3 and half month old. They believe he should be sitting up on his own by the time he is 5 months old. I can't wait...we practice with him all the time.

Last weekend the family had a long weekend in Wales. John, Alexander, the dog Biddy and I all headed off for our first little vacation. Wales is just over 5 hours from here. The way there went pretty quick and we got to our friends by early evening. John's friend Ben, was ready to start cooking and giving us drinks the minute we walked in the door. We stayed at their house 3 nights and did a little of the tourist things while we were in Wales. On our way home we left at 10am and stopped in Bath, at Stonehenge and in Oxford.

We didn't get home until 11pm that night but we had a fun first trip with the baby. When we got home John was playing with Alexander because we were like "Oh great he is going to be a nightmare tonight cause all he has done is sleep in the car." So anyway John was on the floor with Alexander and guess what he ROLLED OVER! Of course Mommy didn't see it either. He hasn't done it again yet but I am working on it!!!!

Oh by the way, I forgot to mention, my little boy has been sleeping through the nights for about the past month or so too! Don't be jealous for all you with little ones! :) He goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up at about 7am. He is my little sleeper.