Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Baby's Heart

Yesterday, Tuesday, the heart health visitor came to the house. She let us be more aware of what to expect when Alexander is born and when to expect surgery. She said not to be alarmed if he looks a little blue after he is born. She also said his surgery would be in 3-4 months from after his birth. It will be at Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. It is one of the best hospitals in the UK - especially for Pedeatric Cardiac work. Apparently the doctor (Dr. Atif Hasan) ,that will be performing the surgery has a 100% success rate for correcting the AVSD (Atrio Ventricle Septal Defect) that Alexander will have.

Paddy said that this surgery is pretty complex and that he will prob be in the hospital at the most 3 weeks and at the least 2 weeks. She said he will be in the NICU for the first week. They will give us a flat to stay in while the baby is in the hospital so we don't have to travel everyday, plus John will be at work still. It will easier to have him come straight to the hospital, since he works near Newcastle.

She was a really nice lady and pretty reassuring about everything. She knew what she was talking about. She brought a heart model and described everything really good to us. She said there are three things that they watch in a baby with this before his surgery. The watch his food in take, his weight and his cardiac failure ( basically his breathing). It will take alot of extra energy for him to breath especially right before the surgery.

We also have to be careful about germs. So if you have a cold - stay away from us. :) She said since its the cold-flu season, he could develop a bad chest infection. If this happened it could delay Alexander's surgery and most likely be put in the hospital.

Tomorrow is his last ultrasound scan! Keep Alexander in your prayers!


The Moore Family said...

Thanks for the update Karen! We think of you guys often and will be prayinf or sweet boy! When is your due date?

The Brewster's said...

Our due date is November 28th!

. said...

Glad to hear that your baby doing well. I would like to check if I can contact your best doctor?

My baby girl also have this problem AVSD. Already undergo three OH.

Please help....