Went to the cardiologist and the respirtory doctors today! Alexander is doing great ! He has gained weight and now weighs 9lbs and 6oz. and is 22 inches long. He is a big boy! He is in the 75% percentile for down syndrome children. They have a different weight chart they go off of for Down babies. ???
The cardiologist was very happy with Alexander. He is still on his dieuretic and his aspirin everyday. He will virtually be on his aspirin for years to come but his dieuretic he will go off by his next appointment. He still has to grow a little bit to grow into his shunt but he is almost there. We did find out from Dr. Kirk today that he will have his next surgery at 12-18 months and most likely one when he is a adolscent and then a adult. This was a little bit of a shock to the system. We have thought the next op would take care of everything but I guess not.
The respiratory doctor, Dr. Spencer was also happy with Alexander. He is still keeping a eye on him though. He is watching to see if he possible has sleep apnea. Alot of Down Syndrome babies also have problems with there lungs, about 40%. He is happy with his progress though. We are just suppose to keep a eye on his breathing. Most people have heard that Down babies have floppy muscles well that goes along with there lungs, alot of times they are floppy as well.
So all in all everyone is happy with Alexander and so are we!!!!
I'm so glad to hear things are going so well! That's awesome and such an answer to prayer! You look so happy! Much Love to your family!
Oh my word...he is so cute! :) Do you just kiss his face off all day? Are you staying home w/ him?
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