Friday, August 15, 2008


Well today we went to Children's Hospital for Alexander's Pre-operation appointment. Well he was suppose to be put to sleep but the plan changed. They only took his x-rays. While we were waiting for his anestigiologist (m/s) the surgeon and cardiologist decided they want to do a cardiac catherization. So instead of putting him to sleep today and again next week they decided to schedule it all together.

Alexander sure was a trooper through all of this. He was able to eat since 8pm last night and by the time he was able to eat it was 11am. He chowed his bottle down when I gave it to him. I am so proud of him though he didn't even cry for any food either. Just to be picked up!!! :)

So they rescheduled everything for August 25th and the operation is August 26th. He will now stay over night and have his operation the next day!

1 comment:

The Losch Family said...

We are all thinking of you and Alexander and keeping your family in our thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted!! We love you!