Monday, July 6, 2009

It's a GIRL!

On June 26,2009 I went to Barnes to have our Level 2 ultrasound. It is just a more detailed ultrasound then your normal one. It is for people who have had a child with a defect previously or if you are over 35.

I had to go to the ultrasound by myself because John was busy working that morning and couldn't get away. Luckily everything was good to go! All the markers that Alexander had on his ultrasound in England were perfect this time around. The ultrasound took about 45 minutes - they check all your main bones and the heart, kidneys ,etc. Finally at the end they said its a GIRL. I was a little shocked. In the back of my head I kind of thought it was a BOY - but I guess I was wrong.

A little girl will be great with Alexander though!!! He is starting to rub my belly when I rub it gently and say BABY! Its so cute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you got a chance to update. I look frorward to reading it.