Friday, August 28, 2009

The Pupp Rash is Back!

So on Monday the PUPP rash decided to return! This time it came with a vengance. It itches really bad at night and it looks horrible. Right now it is all over my stomach and my chest. The doctor said it could spread to my legs and arms too. It is not a pretty sight. When I went for my doctor appointment on Wednesday she decided to have my get on the fetal monitor every week now until baby is born. What a headache but I know it will be good for baby girl. Apparently they really do not know why people get this rash except for hormones - most studies say they are unsure why though. Some studies show that it gives fetal distress so that is why I have to get hooked up to the monitor. I guess I am just the lucky one - god only gives me what I can handle, right! So now I take Benadryl to go to sleep at night and rub lotion all day on my belly.

1 comment:

The Losch Family said...

Poor thing! At least it's almost over!!